October 12, 2023

Last week, The Polymers Center welcomed three speakers from Technip Energies, T.EN Zimmer GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany - Stefan Deiss, Head of Product Management and R&D, Dr. Willi Smolan, Product Manager Polymers, and Dr. David Wilkes, Product Manager Polymers. 


As experts in the field of polymer technologies, they presented the latest innovations and information about the development and production of bio-based raw materials for polymers, bio-polymers, and the recycling or recovery of bio-modified polymers. 


Deiss spoke about the advancements that Technip has made in waste recovery, highlighting his company’s research and development capabilities. He reviewed their leading proprietary technologies that include polyamides, polyesters, biopolymers and co-polymers, and finally, recycling for PET and PA6. 


Dr. Smolan’s presentation, titled, “Biodegradable Polyester and Biobased Monomer Technologies,” discussed the current state of end-of-life plastics recycling and what the future holds in the journey to a low-carbon society. He broke down the world’s ability to replace petroleum-based products and examined the properties of several alternative biodegradable materials. 


Dr. Wilkes spoke about, “Industrial Scale Recovery of Caprolactam from Polyamide Waste.” In his presentation, he discussed polyamide solid waste recycling and caprolactam recovery techniques, comparing mechanical recycling to chemical recycling. 


Live and remote participants were able to learn about creating a circular path for all types of plastics. After the presentations, participants were able to discuss their own experiences, ask questions and  review challenges. “It’s a rare opportunity to be able to learn from an expert the caliber of Deiss, much less from three top individuals in the field. Brainstorming with specialists like these is extremely  beneficial, and something that happens regularly at the Polymers Center,” stated Phil Shoemaker, Executive Director of The Polymers Center. 


The Polymers Center is pleased to offer opportunities to professionals in the polymers industry to advance their knowledge by learning from top experts through industry presentations, workshops, and courses. Contact us to learn more about what we have to offer. 

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