Contact Form HP

Contact Form HP

The Polymers Center is proud to partner with a wide range of companies who help us achieve our mission to increase knowledge, provide technical support, and develop emerging technologies in the polymers industry. From injection molding training, to materials testing and robotics, our partners help us showcase the latest and greatest technology the industry has to offer.

How to Design a Plastic Part

Course Details

Instructor: TBD
Hours of Instructions: 
Course Prerequisite: 

This course is an introduction to the process of plastics injection molding and is designed for technicians, process engineers, design engineers, quality auditors, supervisors, design project managers, and anyone who needs to create, approve, or modify the design of injection molded plastic parts.

This seminar will cover a review of the key components needed for a successful plastic application so that parts have a higher probability to be injection molded consistently. This course provides an excellent introduction to polymers and their relation to component design and process ability. Attendees are encouraged to bring examples of their design challenges to the course for group discussion. The primary focus of this course is on injection molded applications.

Course Objectives

  • The cardinal rule of plastic part design
  • Designing ribs, holes, gussets, and bosses
  • Design for assembly
  • Design for mold ability
  • The injection molding process for the designer
  • Determine the gate location, weld line area and draft
  • Various surface finishes
  • Structural design
  • When to use computer analysis
  • Rapid prototyping

Download Course Description

**If you prefer to register and pay through the mail please download the registration form.

Polymers Center
8900 Research Drive
Charlotte, NC 28262
(704) 602-4100

Dress Code
Business casual
Polo or button down shirt
Long pants
Closed toe shoes, no heels

Lab Etiquette
No drinks, food or gum
No tobacco or vaping devices
Safety glasses must be worn

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