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  • plastic testing services near me


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  • plastic testing services near me


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  • plastic testing services near me


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Customers can compound a resin, injection mold ASTM test specimen, characterize their material in our testing lab, simulate an injection molding process and attend polymer education seminars all in one facility: The Polymers Center. 

Do you need to know why your product isn't working, what a resin's physical characteristics are, or how to fix flow problems? Consider testing services.

Are you wondering how to expand your knowledge in polymer materials, design, injection molding, and extrusion? Check out our available training courses.

Are you ready to evaluate injection molding problems? Conduct your trials in our lab.

Do you need compounding and extrusion assistance? We have what you need to develop your materials.


15 Oct, 2024
New Strand Pelletizer Added To Our Lab
30 Sep, 2024
Sesotec is excited to announce their new office location within The Polymer Center in Charlotte, NC.
25 Sep, 2024
In May 1848, Henry Bewley, of the Gutta Percha Company of London, patented a process for making flexible syringes and tubes of gutta percha. He described the process as one that involved “filling a suitable mold with a substance in a granular state,” after which he would “subject these molds to a heat sufficient to liquefy the gutta percha, which on subsequent cooling will be found to retain the exact shape or figure of the molds.” [1] His company went on to make various molded and, later, extruded products, including wire coating for submarine cables. One example of his molding process is a coat of arms, pictured below, that resembled “the choicest carved or gilded oak, rosewood, or mahogany,” but was not fashioned by a skilled artist. Instead, it was manufactured “by merely pressing the ungainly lumps into a mold.” With such a mold, thousands of identical products could be manufactured “without the usual expense of artist work.” [2]
13 Sep, 2024
Daniel Mueller, an Application Engineer at Arburg started up The Polymers Center’s new Arburg Allrounder 520A a couple weeks ago. Also in attendance were Mike Loden and Matt Loden from Aptar Lincolnton.
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The Polymers Center here in North Carolina was established to further knowledge, offer technical assistance, and help businesses in the plastics industry. We provide the chance to work with experts in the field in a unique setting with the finest technology to enhance the performance of products.

a woman is working on a machine in a lab
plastic pellets held by gloved person

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